Friday, January 14, 2011

Household Cleaning Tips For Dog Owners

Household Cleaning Tips For Dog Owners,

We have a new puppy in our home, Koko. I don't know if there is some cute designer-a-poo name for a Siberian Husky, Black Labrador cross. Nonetheless, I'm convinced that if I properly rearrange the letters in those two breeds, it will spell out "Tsunami Dog of Destruction."

Somewhere out there exist seven other good-hearted families who wandered into Cedar Animal Rescue, in Cedar City Utah, and adopted the remaining puppies from this same litter. God be with you. By now your dog has chewed the 9, 1 and other 1 key off your phone pad. Send up a flare if you need help.

Related Household Cleaning Tips For Dog Owners.

Meanwhile, in the interest of manufacture lemonade out of a lemon-headed dog, I decided to harness Koko's destructive vigor and generate something marvelous from this experience. I can't dream what it will be. Meantime here is a handy house cleaning routine I've developed for other puppy owners. Pin it to your top ceiling for safe keeping.

Recommend Household Cleaning Tips For Dog Owners.

House Cleaning List for Dog Owners

Step 1: Shampoo the rugs.
Step 2: Put the puppy outside.
Step 3: Shampoo the rugs.
Step 4: Toss now unmatched shoes in the trashcan.
Step 5: Weld the trashcan shut.
Step 6: Match up your remaining three socks by length not color.
Step 7: Restuff unstuffed stuffed animals.
Step 8: detach eyes of stuffed animals from poop using a garden hose and centrifuge.
Step 9: Place duct tape over holes in your garden hose.
Step 10: Place electrical tape over holes in your centrifuge cord.
Step 11: Put the puppy outside.
Step 12: Discreetly cover bite marks on wooden chair legs by wrapping them in torn underwear.
Step 13: Fill holes in sofa cushions with that funky Great Stuff® expando spray stuff dads love so much.
Step 14: Call and have your limit raised on Home mend Store credit card.
Step 15: Send for a Hazmat team to unclog the vacuum and clean out your dryer's lint trap.
Step 16: gently wipe nose prints off of inside windows with a pressure washer and a vat of acid rain.
Step 17: Wash throw rugs then gather them back to the floor with a nail gun, four gallons of tar and Excalibur.
Step 18: remove the remaining dog hair from your home by moving.
Step 19: Affix household cleaning list and flare gun to the top ceiling in your new home.
Step 20: Put the puppy outside.
Step 21: Enjoy your lemonade!


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